Transfer Of Wealth

A Wealthy Middle Class! It can happen!

It needs to be a realistic goal for people to own homes… and I mean OWN them. 

The solution is in the mortgage of a home. In a traditional mortgage a regular amortization schedule has the borrower paying almost all the 30 years of interest required by the loan over the first 20 years. Since the US government is the largest insurer of mortgage back loans, we need to require the US government to insure a loan product known as a straight-line mortgage

A straight-line mortgage allocates your monthly mortgage payment equally to principal and interest, or you choose a constant principal amount to pay each month to accelerate the payoff. So, in 15 years you can have paid down 50% of your loan balance, not 5%. This straight-line amortization will, in turn, spur people to “tap” their equity to either improve their property, their lives, or begin a vigorous cycle of spending where other businesses downstream from the homeowner can benefit.

Quick F.A.Q.

What are Barry’s First Measures? 

Too require the US government to insure a loan product known as a straight-line mortgage

in 15 years you can have paid down 50% of your loan balance, not 5%. This straight-line amortization will, in turn, spur people to “tap” their equity to either improve their property, their lives, or begin a vigorous cycle of spending where other businesses downstream from the homeowner can benefit.

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PAID FOR BY Committee to Elect Barry Lindemann